Two-wheelin’ through 2024

With the year drawing to a close, we thought we’d revisit a few of our favorite bicycle experiences and products of 2024

2024 was an eventful year for us here at Chariot. We expanded, moving locations in the height of the busy season. Our new space allowed a lot of wonderful changes. We brought on more rad products and hosted some really fun events. We met lots of great people. We had a great year! And all of that can be tied into bicycles and what they provide for us. Here are a few product and experience highlights from Julia and Erich.

Erich’s Highlights

I was fortunate to be able to get quite a bit of saddle time this year. I spent multiple weekends exploring the Old Cascade Crest region, and it has come to be one of my favorite areas of Oregon to ride. The backcountry character of the trails are engaging and adventurous if you appreciate that more raw style of riding. My rides there this year were on the mountain bike, but I encountered miles of quality gravel roads, and will be certain to take the drop-bar bike over there next season as well.

As a bike geek I also appreciate pretty, shiny bike things. I purchased two items this year that will be with me for a long time, likely moved with me from bike to bike in the future:

Yellow Bird Thread Works BarKeepers

I met Brian from Yellow Bird Thread Works at the MADE Show in Portland this summer, and decided on the spot I needed a pair of his Barkeepers for my Sour Purple Haze. These are artisan bike parts that are beautiful yet functional. We’ve brought a variety of his topcap and barend designs from Connecticut into the shop. My favorite product of 2024.

Cane Creek eeWIngs Crankset

I’ve wanted a set of Cane Creek eeWings cranks since they were introduced almost ten years ago. They’re on the higher end of pricing though and definitely not a necessity… but they’re just. so. cool. I went for them this fall, and am now the proud owner of very light, very strong and very cool titanium cranks. With these I also made the change to shorter 170mm arms on my mountain bike and have been very happy with the fit. Stoked to have finally gotten these, and also my other favorite bike part of 2024.

Julia’s Highlights

Between orchestrating the buildout of the new shop space, planning the Sour/Chariot booth for MADE Show and partaking in a pretty rad international trip this year, Julia had a lot going on. She still made sure to fit in a couple of overnight bikepacking trips. Getting out doesn’t always have to entail significant route and gear planning or large chunks of time away from family and work. Simple overnight trips on familiar terrain close to home can provide a lot of fulfillment in a very attainable manner.

Julia also appreciates trying out new bike parts and testing things to make sure she feels good about offering them at the shop. She updated her bike collection with a couple of cool products this year:

Project 321 / We Are One Composites Wheelset

Julia has been keen to try a set of carbon wheels on one of her personal bike for awhile. She made that happen with a wheelset she built comprised of Project 321 G3 hubs laced to We Are One Composites Triad rims. They built up great, are strong, light and have been maintenance free. They look pretty awesome too with the green anodized hubs, silver spokes and gloss carbon rims. Custom wheelbuilds are one of her (and my) favorite services that we offer here at the shop.

Oveja Negra Snack Pack Toptube Bag

Julia is jokingly referred to as the “Queen of Bike Bags” around the shop, and she makes that hold true by continually adding new bags to her bikes. This Oveja Negra Snack Pack toptube bag is one of her favorite additions. It allows her to keep her phone, travel camera, and yes, snacks, close at hand on her rides. We stock these in a couple of sizes and lots of fun colors, like the “Wack Pack” that she chose.


The Story of Chariot Bike


A Sweet Reflection